Dark Circles: Home Remedies and Dermatological Treatments

Dark circles under the eyes are a common concern for men and women of all ages. Dark circles can be stubborn and refuse to go away despite numerous remedies. Because the skin under the eyes is the thinnest on the body, it is the first to show signs of aging or an unhealthy lifestyle. As a result, one must be extremely gentle with it. Fortunately, there are numerous treatments available, ranging from lasers to peels. 

In this blog, Dr. Ravali Yalamanchili, a renowned dermatologist, who offers effective dark circles treatment in Hyderabad, has shared information related to dermatologist-approved tips and treatments to address it.

Causes of Dark Circles

There are numerous causes of dark circles. People frequently attribute dark circles to tiredness and a lack of sleep, but one could get a full 8 hours of sleep every night and still have dark circles. So, apart from that, other factors, such as lifestyle, allergies, and genetics, can all contribute to the appearance of dark circles. 

Sleep deprivation, excessive screen time, smoking, and excessive alcohol consumption, combined with the fact that the skin around our eyes is so thin, can be the perfect reason for those pesky under eye circles. 

Other causes include stress, sun exposure, and nutritional deficiencies. Dark circles can also be caused by dehydration and anemia in some cases. However, with proper care, they can be brought under control. Dark circles can also develop naturally as we age due to shadowing from sagging, dehydrated skin, and lost facial volume.

Different Types of Dark Circles

Dark circles do not appear the same way on everyone. Dark circles can be of two types:

  1. Blue Dark Circles

These dark circles range in color from blue to purple. They can be caused by excess fluid accumulation or puffiness under the eyes. They are frequently seen in people with lighter skin tones.

  1. Brown Dark Circles

These dark circles can range in color from light to dark brown. When the under-eye skin is exposed to direct sunlight or UV, the brown coloration can darken. They are frequently seen with dark or olive skin tones.

Based on their skin type, genetics, sun exposure, and other factors, people are more likely to have one type of dark circle. However, it is possible to have both brown and blue circles at the same time.

Simple Daily Activities That Can Be Performed To Reduce Dark Circles

Only by being consistent can one take care of their eyes and avoid dark circles. Some lifestyle changes can be very effective in reducing dark circles. Some of the tips are mentioned below: 

  • Wearing sun protection before going out is one of the most basic steps one can take to prevent dark circles.
  • Aside from that, make sure to stay hydrated; an adult should drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day.
  • Make sure to get enough sleep. 
  • For 10-15 minutes, apply a cold compress to the eyes, such as a chilled cucumber slice or a cool tea bag, to help reduce inflammation and improve circulation.
  • Maintain a healthy, high-protein, vitamin-rich diet.
  • Reduce the screen time. After every hour of screen time, give the eyes 10-15 minutes of rest.

In most cases, these remedies do not show any improvement in the visibility of dark circles. In that case, one can opt for dermatological dark circles treatment options.

Top Treatment Options to Remove Dark Circles Available at Neya Dermatology and Aesthetics Clinic

  1. Tear Trough Fillers

The main component of these injectable soft tissue fillers is hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid is a natural, gel-like substance that has the ability to retain water, thereby keeping the skin hydrated. They are used to plump the under-eye area and push the skin up away from the blood vessels located beneath the skin of the under-eye area. This treatment is most effective in removing the appearance of dark circles caused by the formation of shallow tear troughs. The hyaluronic acid filler has a duration of 6 months to a year.

  1. Lasers

Lasers can be used by a skilled, expert professional to help thermally destroy extra melanin in the skin in order to treat periorbital hyperpigmentation or dark circles. To achieve the desired results, several sessions spaced a few weeks apart may be required.

Read More:- How to Get Rid of Dark Circles

  1. Chemical Peels

Hyperpigmented eye bags respond best to a series of gentle peels such as glycolic acid, lactic acid, mandelic acid, and salicylic acid. These acids have the ability to penetrate the skin’s epidermis, or upper layers of the dermis, resulting in moderate skin shedding, this process is known as chemical exfoliation. 
So now it is no longer necessary to hide behind multiple layers of concealer! If one is looking for the best dark circles treatment in Hyderabad, they can visit Neya Dermatology & Aesthetics Clinic, a well known neya clinic. Dark circles, wrinkles, aging lines, stretch marks, acne scars, psoriasis, hair loss, scabies, acne, pigmentation, and many other dermatological conditions are treated at the clinic by the leading dermatologist in Hyderabad, Dr. Ravali Yalamanchili. To learn about the treatments in detail, visit the clinic today!

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