Acne scar Removal with TCA peels

Acne scars are a persistent reminder of past breakouts, which leads to a decrease in self-confidence and skin appearance. Fortunately, TCA (trichloroacetic acid) peels offer a promising solution for individuals seeking to rejuvenate the skin and wipe-out the appearance of acne scars.

By taking reference from Dr. Ravali Yalamanchili, a skin care professional renowned for the top chemical peel treatment in Hyderabad, this blog will  explore how TCA peels work, their  benefits, and what to expect during the treatment process.

TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid) Peels 

TCA peels are a dermatological skin care treatment. This treatment involves applying a solution of trichloroacetic acid to the skin. This acid penetrates the outer layers of the skin, stimulating cell turnover and revealing fresher, healthier skin underneath. TCA peels are particularly effective in treating acne scars due to their ability to exfoliate damaged skin cells and promote collagen production, which helps fill in pitted or depressed scars.

The Benefits of TCA Peels

  1. Improved Texture: TCA peels assist in evening out uneven skin texture brought on by acne scars, leaving the skin significantly softer and smoother.
  1. Reduced Discoloration: The acid in TCA peels reduces hyperpigmentation and dark spots brought on by acne, giving the skin a more even tone.
  1. Collagen Stimulation: TCA peels promote the creation of collagen, which helps to fill in and plump up depressed acne scars and gives the skin a more youthful appearance.
  1. Minimise Pore Size: TCA peels can also help to lessen the size of enlarged pores, which are frequently the result of severe acne breakouts.

The Procedure of TCA Peel 

Before undergoing a TCA peel, it is essential to consult with a dermatologist or skin care professional. The experts will assess the skin condition and recommend the appropriate concentration of TCA for one’s specific needs. After that, the below mentioned procedure is carried out: 

  • TCA solution is applied to the cleansed skin. 
  • During the procedure, candidates may experience a mild stinging or burning sensation.
  • Afterward, the skin will begin to peel over the next few days, revealing fresh, rejuvenated skin beneath.
  • Multiple treatments may be required for optimal results, depending on the severity of acne scars.

Post-Treatment Care and Precautions

To ensure a successful outcome and minimize potential side effects, post-treatment care instructions are recommended. These may include:

  • Avoiding excessive exposure to sunlight
  • Use moisturizer regularly
  • Avoid scratching the treated area
  • Wear sunscreen for the protection of new skin from harmful UV rays


TCA peels are a useful treatment option for people who want to lessen the visibility of acne scars and get smoother, more even-toned skin. TCA peels help to renew the skin by encouraging cell turnover and boosting collagen formation, which improves texture and lessens scarring. To find out if TCA peels are the best option for your acne scar reduction quest, speak with a skincare expert like Dr. Ravali Yalamanchili, chief skin expert at Neya Dermatology & Aesthetics, the best skin clinic in Hyderabad.

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